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Ocean View

We are sincere caring loving people who can and have found a way to end poverty around the world. Will you help us help everyone.  When someone gets sick I mean really sick and only a life saving 1/2 a million dollar operation can save the lad or young lady is it insurance that gets the deed done and if it does how much more will it shell out to see the person through?   No my friend it is and will always be giving people who come together for a cause that changes things, you now have that chance.  how did every president get the money to be president someone gave it to them.  how will you get all the money you need to have success in life let somone give it to you.  

Once you join its like crowd funding and you don't need a sob story, PEOPLE WILL GIVE TO YOU JUST FOR BEING A FELLOW HUMAN BEING!  Isn't that refreshing?  And you don't have to take it anymore.  You are valued by others so much that they will send you thousands of dollars just to pay it forward, just to do unto others, Just because its the right thing to do.

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